Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday good to me Day 19

Hello Sydney! Today was a nice but chilly day. I headed off to work after a restless sleep. I just couldn't sleep- I was simply too happy and excited from my wonderful Sunday.

Interning was good today. I did a few different things and researched for some workshops the company will be doing. I really do feel like I am learning so many new things. Already I have learned about 5 new social networking and blogging platforms. I also get to write and publish articles...that people read. Pretty amazing and invaluable things I am learning here. Not to mention I met another cool Aussie today. Steve owns the coffee shop downstairs from my work and he actually remembered what kind of drink I like. Again another amazing Aussie. And Not to mention Rebecca, Jenine, Joel and Adobe (the dog...can't forget about the office dog) who have taught me great marketing skills, and made me a better writer and editor.

Tonight I took a relaxing evening at home and watched the boats float in the harbour and the lights light up the Sydney night sky from my window. It is a beautiful view. To all of my friends at home- it is really hard to post large amounts of pictures on this blog but 'no worries' you can view them via my facebook! Tommorow is another day of work and I love it! Until then I will leave you with new words!

Aussie words Rug up- bundle up...put on lots of layers because it will be cold
Good on'ya- Good job or well done
Toilet- this is self explanatory but if you ask for a bathroom you get a room with a bathtub or a strange look
Reckon!- They say I reckon... which I thought was totally Texan but they do use it here.
How you going? - How are you? Aussies all say this one

Tommorow will be another working day!
Well G'DAY!

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