Thursday, July 2, 2009

Days 20 and 21 Some fun!

Hello to another great day in Sydney Australia.
Tuesday was a bit of a slow day. I did alot of work for the company and got to do some more article writing, blogging and copy editing. My job is so amazing and the people I work with are so very nice.
Tuesday was a day just to hang out again. We just rented a movie and stayed in not to much to talk about.

Wednesday was another story. This had to be the craziest and busiest day at work. I did so much and made tons of phone calls and weazled information out of people. I decided it was the American accent, they feel for me I am sure. LoL.
Tonight the gang and I went on the town. We were looking for trivia night what we found was an Irish pub full of cross dressers hosting a Kareoke Night! I ended up singing and having a blast. There were some pretty fun stories from this night which involved craayyyyzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyy people. I really had a blast hanging out a seeing the nightlife of Sydney. This place has so much to offer! It is such a blast here.
Can't wait for the weekend!!
Until tommorow

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