Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Majestic Blue Mountains Day 30

Today I set off early and headed out for the Aussie famous Blue Mountains about an hour north of Sydney.

We drove down in a small van from Paramatta Road in Sydney and made a not so steep climb into the mountains. Our first stop was visiting a few Kangaroos that seems to be tolerable of people. They were the smaller to middle sized Kangaroos and one even had a joey in its pouch. It was so fun to watch them hop about in the wild.
Our coach then loaded back up for a trip to the Wallara Falls. We hiked in this area for 2 hours and saw the fog roll across the gorgeous Blue Mountains, which are knows to be actually plateaus. We also visited the waterfall and scenic lookouts (see pic above)

Next our adventure took us to the Aussie famous 3 Sisters Rock Formation. The 3 Sisters formation comes from an old aboriginal tale of a shaman turning 3 aboriginal maidens into stone because they were so beautiful.
Well the area itself was named the Blue Mountains national park and it was incredible. We hiked down the 900+ steps to the bottom of the gorge. It was true bush and jungle walkabout. I absolutely loved hiking in this tranquil rainforest setting.

Our final stop was the Blue Mountains lookout where we had a great view of the Hunter Valley as well.
The day trip in and of itself was absolutely amazing. I really loved walking around this famed area. I felt like a regular mountaineer.

What an amazing day! Aussie adventures are the best. Tommorow is a day of rest!! Until then G'day!

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