Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Poker and the Gaff Days 38 and 39

I am so sad that this is my last week in Australia. This place has been very good to me and I have enjoyed each and every minute of my experience here.

I completed tons of projects today interning. I love my job and I am so greatful for everything I have experienced and learned.

Tonight is monday which means poker at Cheers!! I actually made it to the final table in poker and came in 5th place out of 50 people. That is a huge accomplishment for me, so it was pretty exciting. Too bad I won bar cash and couldnt spend it.. well its a souvenier I suppose.
Another wonderful day at 33 Interactions. I wrote heaps of articles and did some work calling prospective clients to offer our marketing services. Writing these articles have given me tons of knowledge and such a great experience.
Tonight is the night when things go on sale in Australia. So, Becs, Jess and I went to Kings Cross Hotel for 4 dollar burgers and beer. It was so good. The burgers here are made with onions baked into the patties so they tasted like meatloaf...Sooo good.
The Gaff is a crazy bar in Sydney that some of us went to tonight. Its like Coyote Ugly but not nearly as But we still had some fun dancing the night away. Especially since we got in free!
Well until Tommorow. Hope everyone back home is doing well and I will be home soon.
Until tomm. G'day G'day!

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