Sunday, July 19, 2009

Days 34-35 Thurs/Friday Fun

Thursday is a day of working. I worked pretty hard today working on some articles and calling businesses to pitch our services.
Tonight was poker night. Joel told me he got beaten out by Bengamin Button...LOL That was pretty hilarious. It was nice b/c everyone from work went out to dinner tonight and had a great time.

I interned all day! And finally found a great story for A Pampered life...which I had been working on all week. It was great
Tonight Jess, Rebecca and Moniek and I headed to the store for a dinner party. We picked up a few things and then I cooked some real American style food for everyone. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.. Hard to convert
We all had a blast together to hang out and chill!

Until Tomm~ G'day

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