Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Working Working Day 40

"You never really leave a place or person you love, part of them you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind.”

Today was by far the craziest and busiest day I have had at work. I must say I did heaps of things. I have two more articles to write before I leave and a web banner to create for APL. I also had some work to do with finding contact information for prospective clients we can send our new email campaign to.
Tommorow is Christmas in July which is an Aussie tradition. Since Aussies dont get the typical Christmas because it is so hot here in December some choose to celebrate another Christmas when it is cold enough to eat the traditional Christmas food. So we are having an office celebration tommorow for my going away and Christmas in July.
I really have made some great friends here at 33. Everyone is amazing and I am going to miss it so much. Joel said maybe they can hire me to work in Who knows.
Tonight I ran to the stores because everything closes so early. I am glad that I got everything to make pie and broccoli and cheese casserole. So tommorow we are partying at the office and then out on the town for my farewell.
I am sad to see it go.
Until tommorow G'day!

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