Saturday, July 11, 2009

PPPPoker Face Day 28

Hello. I am finally feeling back to myself!
Work went really well today! I find that I never clock watch at this job. I am always busy doing something that is interesting and time just seems to fly when you are getting stuff done. Alot of my work has been published on our blog and microsites. It really is a great job.

Now I am up for doing things tonight.
Thursday night is poker night for my friend Jenine and I have decided to tag along after all this is Texas Hold Em... I should be good at but no such luck. LoL However, it was tons of fun and a great night of meeting new friends. I even convinced some to come to Texas to hang out sometime. It was so much fun and I actually didnt do too bad... I came in 4th at the losers table so that has to count for something right?
Well tommorow is FRIDAY!! That means another weekend of adventure!
Until then G'day!

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