Monday, July 6, 2009

JULY 4th Day 24

Saturday July 4th came in with nothing too exciting. Jessica, a girl I work with and I had a great day of shopping in the Bondi Junction mall. We hit up all the end of the year sales and I even found my sister's boots that I had been dying to get here. I hope she liked them.
We also ate at the food court and I of course had to have some McD's, it being July4th and all had to have something American afterall!
Jess and I then headed out to Bondi beach where there was supposed to be a party but that was a no we went out for dinner instead. Pizza from this great Pizza place, Wilsons.
Tonight was another story. The gang all headed out to Scubar where there was an awesome American party being held. The DJ played all American music and it was so much fun to dance and party! We even chanted USA after a few songs! There were lots of Americans there so that made it worth while as well! Good times Good times!! There was even some new people we met that were from the US...we stayed out until 3am...crazy days!
Well Tommorow is the big Scuba Diving Day! G'day!

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