Friday, June 26, 2009

Interning and Night In Day 16

Hello FRIDAY!!
Today was a rough day at work. Well really it was cool because I got to design an online banner ad but bad because I worked on it for 2 hours clicked a button and lost it all. So that was a tricky challenge but I finally got it all worked out. Oh and Tasha is the coolest for joining the 33 Facebook group without being in Australia.
Also I got to work on our Win a Date with a Sydney Bachelor contest so that will be pretty cool to see how everything works out.

I am tired today after the ER night of craziness.
Anyways tonight the gang and I rented a movie and chilled in... so it wasn't to much of a crazy day but TOMMOROW is RUGBY!! I am so excited to go to my first ever Rugby game.
Get ready because it is going to be awesome.
Anyways sending love home to everyone... Wish you all were here.

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