Monday, June 22, 2009

Interning and The Great Pumpkin Problem Day 11

So today was another great day at work. I think I got the best internship out of everyone except maybe Hannah who's boss seems pretty cool.
Anyways I have decided that I love the Australian people. People are so friendly and kind here. They will go out of their way to help you and teach you about their great country. I have also decided that they move at a great pace here... nothing seems to be too hurried and everyone seems to enjoy their walks down the street and life around them.
A few nights ago we asked a man how he could tell some of us were American and he said you jus move too fast... maybe that is the big difference... our pace even at home in Texas is much quicker than here.

As for work today it was magnificent as well. I finished my design blog, which I thought was going to be a nightmare it turned out to be pretty cool and I learned some stuff along the way. I also saw the coolest new coke machine online too ( search coke)
I wrote another article for a website as well. Overall great day!
As for tonight I had a bit too much fun last night and about ran myself to death, so I am going to take it easy and relax tonight.

So now for another segment of Aussie words:
Skull- Chug (this seems a bit more lethal than chug ever would)
Gives me the shits- makes me angry (NOT WHAT YOU CAN SAY AT
bacon- ham, they don't have real bacon here
daft- stupid
mates- friends (im sure most people know this)
prawns- shrimp (so no one here says throw another shrimp on the barbie...they don't call it shrimp)
Tim Tam- The worlds best cookies.. this isnt a word just a fact!!

As for the great pumpkin problem. My 33 office mates are having a Christmas in July party with American and Aussie traditional foods. I was placed in charge of the pumpkin pie... slight problem they don't sell canned pumpkin over here so I am kinda at a loss as what to do. I also didn't see any big orange jack-o-lanters anywhere. So this pie may or may not happen. If you have any suggestions email me at

Well tommorow I meet Shane, mom's friend for the first time! I am so excited!
So until then I will be searching for the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. G'DAY!!!

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