Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Interning, and New Friends! Day 12

Hello Tuesday. What a beautiful Aussie day. Today I did my usual work load and some copy editing for the company's new site launch. I really like this company though, I get to write articles and manage social content. It is a great work experience.
What I do love about Aussie business is that people in the workplace in general seemed to be relaxed and enjoying their job. The business atmosphere is so much different here , and I really like the differences.
Tonight, I met my mom's friends son (yea thats kinda a long connection I know but its nice to have another Texan here!) and he was amazing!
I really enjoyed our conversations about Australia. He told me that most companies require people to take long holidays for Christmas and New Years. Also the business philosophy is alot more relaxed. He also seems to have a really cool job and life here.
The resteraunt we went to was really wonderful and the food was awesome. I really liked it Austrian food in Australia... exciting right! It was called Maggies and its somewhat of a Sydney icon.
Anways I am going with them to their property up on the coast the weekend of July 4th and I couldn't be more excited. I am actually going to get to celebrate!
It is so nice to have a friend!!
Until tommorow! G'DAY!

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