Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bondi Beach and Friends Day10

I woke up to a relaxing Sunday. I still haven't found a church to go to but I am going to make that a task to do. I really want to experience a church service here.
Anways it was a nice lazy Sunday morning. Then off to Bondi (bond-eye) Beach. It was a nice 30 minute walk from the apartment. The beach is absolutely beautiful and there are people actually swimming in it. But, after putting my feet in I cannot understand why. It was freezing water! But it was a beautiful, picturesque scene of Australia. Kids playing rugby, surfers on the waves and people walking with their dogs in the sand. Beautiful. It was everything you could imagine Aussie life would be like. Simply peaceful watching the waves hit the shore.

After a walk along the beach. We headed up to a cafe, where I enjoyed my first taste of Aussie fish and chips. Food was great, server was not so much but no worries.
Then it was a quick busride home.

Tonight I headed out with my office mates for some drinks and nightlife on the town. Aparently, Sunday is a good day to go out. Who knew? Anyways we went to this swanky bar, I think thats the best word to describe it. It was the Victoria room, a posh and well decorated room. We drank mulled wine and enjoyed a few laughs together. We then headed to the Sugar Mill, a crazy techno bar (Joel corrected me saying techno is a bad version of this stuff... that techno style is called house music)
Joel made me laugh, oh by the way he is one of the partners of 33 so it was nice to get to know him outside of the office. He told me Aussies are nothing like the movie Australia... if American's want to know real Australians just watch Crockodile Dundee... I don't know Joel that is left to be determined.
Today was a fantastic day of beautiful beaches and wondeful friends!

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