Friday, June 26, 2009

Interning, and the Twilight Zone Day 15

Today is Thursday!! Good day!
Interning was a blast today as I got to do some creative advertising things for the website. Also I will be helping Howard to craft potential client lists from top brands in Australia. I really am learning so much from this job. I get to learn and do something new everyday and I do tons of social media projects as well.

Tonight was the craziest night of my LIFE! So Rob one of the guys that lives in my apartment (in a seperate room- its a 3 bedroom) slices his hand open with a knife and proceeds to gush everywhere. So this prompted a trip to the ER so Meryl and I accompanied him to the hospital.
Let's just say we picked the wrong hospital and met all of the crazies in Sydney. A homeless man, who threw up everywhere. That is not the worst part - NO ONE came to clean it for at least a half hour!!! I am so glad I live in the US where things like that are ok. The worst part was during the throwing up this man is EATING!!! I know the story gets better when the Italian woman came in screaming on the phone and another drunk started screaming at her. Needless to say the three hours spent in the ER was like being in the twilight zone or some sort of crazy sitcom.

So tonight I am going to bed at one... I have to work tommorow so G'day!

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