Sunday, June 14, 2009

Paddys Market, Rain, Bruce, Sydney Lights- Day 3

Hello another day in the great country of Australia. I actually feel much better and not tired anymore. I think (hopefully) I have adjusted.

Today we headed to Paddy's Market in Darling Harbour. It was sort of like a flee market type deal where I could buy lots of gifts and other stuff.
On the way to Paddy's- Meryl, Emily and I met an Aussie, Bruce. He was so nice. We were confused on how to get to Paddy's from the train station (subway) and he took us the whole way there. He even gave us a mini tour of China Town and told us where and what to eat and do. He was so nice- I've decided alot of Aussies are incredibly friendly and kind. I love these people. I find that sometimes I act like I am too busy to help someone else and this guy took 20 minutes and went out of his way to help us and answer questions.

It started to rain after Paddy's and a great Chinese/Japenese/Thai lunch... not really sure what I ate to be honest but it tasted good. I didn't like the tea but you know I am kinda picky with ice tea being from Texas and all.

After the market, we walked in the rain and found our internship locations. Mine is a short downhill walk from the station. Yes downhill in the rain was not the greatest but I am looking forward to it. The neighborhood seems great lots of little cafe's and its down the street from Ferrari. So it can't be a bad neighborhood.

Tonight we went to the Vivid Sydney and FireWater. We met an American, Drew on the train who tagged along with us from New Mexico.

Vivid Sydney was a light walk through the city. They had a light display reflecting off of buildings and the most amazing display off the opera house. Absolutely astonishing. I think this was well worth going it was a unique display of laser lights and so nice to walk through the city at night with all the lights around.
Well as we were walking through the city we realized FireWater was about to start so we ran down and hill to get there but well worth it. It was the reenactment of a convict ship, The 3 Bees, sinking in the harbour after a terrible fire. So cool- they raised the ship from underwater and then acted out what had happened and the ship then sank down into the depths after burning.

Tommorow I will head out to my Internship. Wish me luck- I am so excited. No worries- I know where I am going now.

Until next time- G'day!

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