Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Interning, Japenese, Sunny Days! Day 13

Hello to a beautiful sunny day in Sydney. The weather this week has been so much better than last week. It was sunny and a little warm... nice.

Today was an interesting day at work. I really did learn alot working with social media and such. I feel like I have alot of freedom to be creative with the microsites that I write articles for as well as blog posting for the company. It's great to have someone appreciate my writing skills and work. I feel like I have contributed some great thoughts and articles that I will be proud to put into my work portfolio at home.

For lunch everyone trekked up the hill for some Japenese. It was a nice long lunch... that is also another thing I have noticed that is different from home. At home there are times for everything and work runs on a schedule and a clock. I never look at a clock at work- we get there around 9-9:30 and eat around 12-12:30 and go back to work whenever we are done. It is a nice feeling to be able to work at your own pace... it is a change for sure.

After work I went home, and then did a little grocery shopping which is a challenge. Food here is so different than at home. I really like some of the stuff and than other things I can't believe people actually eat that... so it goes both ways.
Tonight we also watched MasterChef Australia...which is like Top Chef meets America's Next Top Model... they widdle down the chef's through culinary challenges then take them on a trip to a foreign country (like ANTM) and do more challenges. I love it! Great show!

Tommorow will be another project filled day at work. I also cannot wait for the weekend as we are going to a Rugby Game and I am going WHALE WATCHING!!
Until Tommorow G'DAY!

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