Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Interning Day 5

Hello to a great day in Australia.
Today was another awesome day at 33 Interactions.
I did some market research for a pitch the company will be doing. I also am going to get to work on indesign and redesign some graphics and stuff which will be totally amazing. I am also currently working on some new online content and such.

Today we left work at 2pm to go on a leisure yacht, however the weather didn't think that was such a great idea. So we ended up at my bosses flat for some company bonding time.
It was nice to get to know everyone outside the office. Also Adobe was there today... not the software which was there too but Joel's dog. Now this dog doesn't like to be pet. It's the strangest thing but its a cool minpin none the less.

Anyways today was a short day just fun day with my office mates. Hopefully soon I will be able to go on this promised boating outing- I am sure I will!
Tommorow is another great day and I love it here.

See you then!

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