Monday, June 29, 2009

Whale Watching with Wondeful Aussies Day 18

It is a beautiful Sunday in Sydney and it could not have been a better day today. I woke up late had a lazy and calm morning and then headed out to go whale watching! I was late getting there because I took a lazy stroll down to the harbour only to get lost and find the boat seconds before it left...I
So we headed out of Darling Harbour under the bridge, past the city skyline and the beautiful opera house over to Manly Beach. We picked up other passengers and then sped out to the ocean. It was like floating in the sky it was hard to tell where ocean and horizon met... one of the most magical sites I have ever seen. Whale watching was the most beautiful thing... the whales are such mysterious and unpredictable creatures. They really take you by surprise with their size and gracefulness. We saw about 10 whales all together and some of them leapt out of the water and sent their tales down with a splash, we saw some blow their blowholes.

It was an alltogether neat experience it was like a hunt ... we would search the endless ocean and someone would spot one and everyone would run to other side of the boat.(It is a wonder we didn't capsize) While heading out I met this married couple I sat next to on the boat. Johan and Rosie. It was like meeting old friends again we talked the whole time and Rose would sit on one side of the boat and I was on the other and we looked out for each other. After spotting the whales (as close as 10 ft from our boat) we headed home, only to be met by this crazy typhoon storm... it was nuts. The roof leaked, it was so dark and rainy... then we docked and it was as if nothing had happened.

Johan and Rosie invited me out to dinner with them and we had the BEST time together. I learned so much from them about Aussie life and customs- we discussed politics, medicine, language, food, customs anything you name it. Rosie is originally from Brazil so it truely was a global dinner. I really hope one day they can come to Texas and see what America is like.

I really gained something tonight. The real Australia can't be seen in the Bridge or the Opera House or the Outback, it's seen in the real people. Everyone I have met here has been so kind and welcoming (especially Johan and Rosie who invited a strange girl from Texas to have a meal with them). I have not met an Aussie who has been rude or to busy to give directions or a smile. They are the most warm hearted people- from my colleageas, (who have taught me so much and not just about marketing but they have been real friends as well)to the random direction givers on the street to the taxi drivers who ask "how you going?" Australians are a wonderful people. Tonight I am exhausted. Until tommorow G'Day!

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