Monday, June 15, 2009

Amazing first days, new words, bacon- Day 4

So i woke up early this morning. I mean really early as in I saw the sunrise which never happens unless I have stayed out the night before which that never happens either so that was a pretty amazing site to me. Not to mention I am on the 14th floor so it was pretty spectacular.

On to the day. I headed on my normal commute and went to work. I walk into the office and its so neat. Like a modern flat. It was completely open with sleek modern desks and computers and a couch meeting space. It was so nice. I didnt want to take a picture on the first day but I promise to soon. The office is on the 3rd floor without an elevator so it was a climb in heels but it was not too bad.

My new job is amazing. I am going to be a marketing assistant, thats my official title. I will be tweeting for the company and researching interesting articles that fit in with the company philosphy or recreating brand awareness through meaningful product/consumer interactions. I read all of their stuff and it really makes a lot of sense and it will be the future of marketing. It's alot of community building within the social media world. For example a brand creates a website centered around people who use their product and their intersts like a pet vaccine company sponsoring dogworld type thing. Very neat and I am going to be creating stories and online content which is beyond amazing being an intern and actually having an important role is the internship I was searching for and I am beyond happy.

One of the owners brought his dog to work today and its name was Adobe (like the software program- isnt that cute!!) and he was precious but I'm not sure he felt the same about me :)

Overall the day was incredible and I look forward to learning so much and helping this really amazing company. I think this Internship may have been the best decision I have ever made, outside of Joe of course.

Side note from the day I have learned tons of new words in Australian (yes I know that it's English but it's still different)
Hannah's boss called someone's coat a SLOPPY JOE-- that made me laugh so hard!
no worries is a common phrase meaning no problem
jumper is a jacket or coat
dodgey is someone who is sketchy or looks like a bad guy

** More to come promise**

And tonight I will just rest at home. I did go to the supermarket which is an adventure in and of it's self. Eggs are not refrigerated and mayo isnt either. Sandwiches are made with butter which is common in Europe too... it actually tastes good; It was cool to shop for everything and I have found a great new flavor of chips - sweet chili sauce flavor... they are amazing!!

Anways tommorow we are going out on a yacht that the company has as a client. I am so excited so until then G'day!

1 comment:

  1. oh you know i love chips! score one for steph on the new flavor. (of course that would be the first thing i comment on)

    anyways! umm.. AWESOME! i am way way jealous. you sound like you're having such a good time.
    and im very proud of you. i tell whit every day about the stuff in your blog. he thinks i'm a creep. but i love it. :)
