Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday good to me Day 19

Hello Sydney! Today was a nice but chilly day. I headed off to work after a restless sleep. I just couldn't sleep- I was simply too happy and excited from my wonderful Sunday.

Interning was good today. I did a few different things and researched for some workshops the company will be doing. I really do feel like I am learning so many new things. Already I have learned about 5 new social networking and blogging platforms. I also get to write and publish articles...that people read. Pretty amazing and invaluable things I am learning here. Not to mention I met another cool Aussie today. Steve owns the coffee shop downstairs from my work and he actually remembered what kind of drink I like. Again another amazing Aussie. And Not to mention Rebecca, Jenine, Joel and Adobe (the dog...can't forget about the office dog) who have taught me great marketing skills, and made me a better writer and editor.

Tonight I took a relaxing evening at home and watched the boats float in the harbour and the lights light up the Sydney night sky from my window. It is a beautiful view. To all of my friends at home- it is really hard to post large amounts of pictures on this blog but 'no worries' you can view them via my facebook! Tommorow is another day of work and I love it! Until then I will leave you with new words!

Aussie words Rug up- bundle up...put on lots of layers because it will be cold
Good on'ya- Good job or well done
Toilet- this is self explanatory but if you ask for a bathroom you get a room with a bathtub or a strange look
Reckon!- They say I reckon... which I thought was totally Texan but they do use it here.
How you going? - How are you? Aussies all say this one

Tommorow will be another working day!
Well G'DAY!

Whale Watching with Wondeful Aussies Day 18

It is a beautiful Sunday in Sydney and it could not have been a better day today. I woke up late had a lazy and calm morning and then headed out to go whale watching! I was late getting there because I took a lazy stroll down to the harbour only to get lost and find the boat seconds before it left...I
So we headed out of Darling Harbour under the bridge, past the city skyline and the beautiful opera house over to Manly Beach. We picked up other passengers and then sped out to the ocean. It was like floating in the sky it was hard to tell where ocean and horizon met... one of the most magical sites I have ever seen. Whale watching was the most beautiful thing... the whales are such mysterious and unpredictable creatures. They really take you by surprise with their size and gracefulness. We saw about 10 whales all together and some of them leapt out of the water and sent their tales down with a splash, we saw some blow their blowholes.

It was an alltogether neat experience it was like a hunt ... we would search the endless ocean and someone would spot one and everyone would run to other side of the boat.(It is a wonder we didn't capsize) While heading out I met this married couple I sat next to on the boat. Johan and Rosie. It was like meeting old friends again we talked the whole time and Rose would sit on one side of the boat and I was on the other and we looked out for each other. After spotting the whales (as close as 10 ft from our boat) we headed home, only to be met by this crazy typhoon storm... it was nuts. The roof leaked, it was so dark and rainy... then we docked and it was as if nothing had happened.

Johan and Rosie invited me out to dinner with them and we had the BEST time together. I learned so much from them about Aussie life and customs- we discussed politics, medicine, language, food, customs anything you name it. Rosie is originally from Brazil so it truely was a global dinner. I really hope one day they can come to Texas and see what America is like.

I really gained something tonight. The real Australia can't be seen in the Bridge or the Opera House or the Outback, it's seen in the real people. Everyone I have met here has been so kind and welcoming (especially Johan and Rosie who invited a strange girl from Texas to have a meal with them). I have not met an Aussie who has been rude or to busy to give directions or a smile. They are the most warm hearted people- from my colleageas, (who have taught me so much and not just about marketing but they have been real friends as well)to the random direction givers on the street to the taxi drivers who ask "how you going?" Australians are a wonderful people. Tonight I am exhausted. Until tommorow G'Day!

Sydney Skytower and Rugby game. Day 17

Saturday...a day to explore. I did just that.
Today I went to the Sydney tower which stands 260 meters above Sydney, which the lady told me was a little less than 1000 ft. I went to the observation deck and decided to do the skywalk which is where you go outside the tower. It was amazing 360 views of Sydney. I could even see my apartment complex from the south view of the tower. We even jumped up and down in our harnesses to prove it was safe (check out my facebook pics!) It was soo cool. I also saw the Oztreck ride which is a "tour" virtually and theatrically through Australia. It was pretty cool
I then came home and got ready for some Rugby!
Tonight the Aussie Wallabies took on the French. It took us an hour and a half to get to the game at the Olympic Stadium but boy was it worth it. It was so much fun to watch rugby. Let me tell you something those guys are tough! They take hits no one could stand and it's like American Football and soccer put together ...intense and no pads!
It was really cool to watch and it went really fast. Overall great game and the Aussie's won!!! Go Wallabies!
Then it took an hour and a half to get home! But it was well worth it... I even got a Wallabies scarf to wear at home in the winter!
Until tommorow G'Day!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Interning and Night In Day 16

Hello FRIDAY!!
Today was a rough day at work. Well really it was cool because I got to design an online banner ad but bad because I worked on it for 2 hours clicked a button and lost it all. So that was a tricky challenge but I finally got it all worked out. Oh and Tasha is the coolest for joining the 33 Facebook group without being in Australia.
Also I got to work on our Win a Date with a Sydney Bachelor contest so that will be pretty cool to see how everything works out.

I am tired today after the ER night of craziness.
Anyways tonight the gang and I rented a movie and chilled in... so it wasn't to much of a crazy day but TOMMOROW is RUGBY!! I am so excited to go to my first ever Rugby game.
Get ready because it is going to be awesome.
Anyways sending love home to everyone... Wish you all were here.

Interning, and the Twilight Zone Day 15

Today is Thursday!! Good day!
Interning was a blast today as I got to do some creative advertising things for the website. Also I will be helping Howard to craft potential client lists from top brands in Australia. I really am learning so much from this job. I get to learn and do something new everyday and I do tons of social media projects as well.

Tonight was the craziest night of my LIFE! So Rob one of the guys that lives in my apartment (in a seperate room- its a 3 bedroom) slices his hand open with a knife and proceeds to gush everywhere. So this prompted a trip to the ER so Meryl and I accompanied him to the hospital.
Let's just say we picked the wrong hospital and met all of the crazies in Sydney. A homeless man, who threw up everywhere. That is not the worst part - NO ONE came to clean it for at least a half hour!!! I am so glad I live in the US where things like that are ok. The worst part was during the throwing up this man is EATING!!! I know the story gets better when the Italian woman came in screaming on the phone and another drunk started screaming at her. Needless to say the three hours spent in the ER was like being in the twilight zone or some sort of crazy sitcom.

So tonight I am going to bed at one... I have to work tommorow so G'day!

Interning Days and Shopping Times Day 14

Today was another great day at my Internship. I really have enjoyed writing articles and postings. Check out my work at

I post under Stephanie so it won't be hard to know which ones are mine. I have written some pretty cool stuff if I do say so myself. It's nice because I can write about any topic as long as it would be interesting to the clients.

Tonight I went shopping for clothes again. I love to shop here there are so many different things to look for and at. But its expensive on the downside especially for clothes even during the end of year sales which are going on now.

Well tonight was a night to stay in and hang out... Until tommorow. G'Day

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Interning, Japenese, Sunny Days! Day 13

Hello to a beautiful sunny day in Sydney. The weather this week has been so much better than last week. It was sunny and a little warm... nice.

Today was an interesting day at work. I really did learn alot working with social media and such. I feel like I have alot of freedom to be creative with the microsites that I write articles for as well as blog posting for the company. It's great to have someone appreciate my writing skills and work. I feel like I have contributed some great thoughts and articles that I will be proud to put into my work portfolio at home.

For lunch everyone trekked up the hill for some Japenese. It was a nice long lunch... that is also another thing I have noticed that is different from home. At home there are times for everything and work runs on a schedule and a clock. I never look at a clock at work- we get there around 9-9:30 and eat around 12-12:30 and go back to work whenever we are done. It is a nice feeling to be able to work at your own pace... it is a change for sure.

After work I went home, and then did a little grocery shopping which is a challenge. Food here is so different than at home. I really like some of the stuff and than other things I can't believe people actually eat that... so it goes both ways.
Tonight we also watched MasterChef Australia...which is like Top Chef meets America's Next Top Model... they widdle down the chef's through culinary challenges then take them on a trip to a foreign country (like ANTM) and do more challenges. I love it! Great show!

Tommorow will be another project filled day at work. I also cannot wait for the weekend as we are going to a Rugby Game and I am going WHALE WATCHING!!
Until Tommorow G'DAY!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Interning, and New Friends! Day 12

Hello Tuesday. What a beautiful Aussie day. Today I did my usual work load and some copy editing for the company's new site launch. I really like this company though, I get to write articles and manage social content. It is a great work experience.
What I do love about Aussie business is that people in the workplace in general seemed to be relaxed and enjoying their job. The business atmosphere is so much different here , and I really like the differences.
Tonight, I met my mom's friends son (yea thats kinda a long connection I know but its nice to have another Texan here!) and he was amazing!
I really enjoyed our conversations about Australia. He told me that most companies require people to take long holidays for Christmas and New Years. Also the business philosophy is alot more relaxed. He also seems to have a really cool job and life here.
The resteraunt we went to was really wonderful and the food was awesome. I really liked it Austrian food in Australia... exciting right! It was called Maggies and its somewhat of a Sydney icon.
Anways I am going with them to their property up on the coast the weekend of July 4th and I couldn't be more excited. I am actually going to get to celebrate!
It is so nice to have a friend!!
Until tommorow! G'DAY!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Interning and The Great Pumpkin Problem Day 11

So today was another great day at work. I think I got the best internship out of everyone except maybe Hannah who's boss seems pretty cool.
Anyways I have decided that I love the Australian people. People are so friendly and kind here. They will go out of their way to help you and teach you about their great country. I have also decided that they move at a great pace here... nothing seems to be too hurried and everyone seems to enjoy their walks down the street and life around them.
A few nights ago we asked a man how he could tell some of us were American and he said you jus move too fast... maybe that is the big difference... our pace even at home in Texas is much quicker than here.

As for work today it was magnificent as well. I finished my design blog, which I thought was going to be a nightmare it turned out to be pretty cool and I learned some stuff along the way. I also saw the coolest new coke machine online too ( search coke)
I wrote another article for a website as well. Overall great day!
As for tonight I had a bit too much fun last night and about ran myself to death, so I am going to take it easy and relax tonight.

So now for another segment of Aussie words:
Skull- Chug (this seems a bit more lethal than chug ever would)
Gives me the shits- makes me angry (NOT WHAT YOU CAN SAY AT
bacon- ham, they don't have real bacon here
daft- stupid
mates- friends (im sure most people know this)
prawns- shrimp (so no one here says throw another shrimp on the barbie...they don't call it shrimp)
Tim Tam- The worlds best cookies.. this isnt a word just a fact!!

As for the great pumpkin problem. My 33 office mates are having a Christmas in July party with American and Aussie traditional foods. I was placed in charge of the pumpkin pie... slight problem they don't sell canned pumpkin over here so I am kinda at a loss as what to do. I also didn't see any big orange jack-o-lanters anywhere. So this pie may or may not happen. If you have any suggestions email me at

Well tommorow I meet Shane, mom's friend for the first time! I am so excited!
So until then I will be searching for the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. G'DAY!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Some Photos

Bondi Beach and Friends Day10

I woke up to a relaxing Sunday. I still haven't found a church to go to but I am going to make that a task to do. I really want to experience a church service here.
Anways it was a nice lazy Sunday morning. Then off to Bondi (bond-eye) Beach. It was a nice 30 minute walk from the apartment. The beach is absolutely beautiful and there are people actually swimming in it. But, after putting my feet in I cannot understand why. It was freezing water! But it was a beautiful, picturesque scene of Australia. Kids playing rugby, surfers on the waves and people walking with their dogs in the sand. Beautiful. It was everything you could imagine Aussie life would be like. Simply peaceful watching the waves hit the shore.

After a walk along the beach. We headed up to a cafe, where I enjoyed my first taste of Aussie fish and chips. Food was great, server was not so much but no worries.
Then it was a quick busride home.

Tonight I headed out with my office mates for some drinks and nightlife on the town. Aparently, Sunday is a good day to go out. Who knew? Anyways we went to this swanky bar, I think thats the best word to describe it. It was the Victoria room, a posh and well decorated room. We drank mulled wine and enjoyed a few laughs together. We then headed to the Sugar Mill, a crazy techno bar (Joel corrected me saying techno is a bad version of this stuff... that techno style is called house music)
Joel made me laugh, oh by the way he is one of the partners of 33 so it was nice to get to know him outside of the office. He told me Aussies are nothing like the movie Australia... if American's want to know real Australians just watch Crockodile Dundee... I don't know Joel that is left to be determined.
Today was a fantastic day of beautiful beaches and wondeful friends!

WildLife World, IMAX and Winterfest Day9

So today is SATURDAY!!
I finally got to go do some great Sydney exploration. I was supposed to go whale watching today but due to the rain couldn't go
So, I headed out to Sydney Wildlife World on Darling Harbour. I hailed a cab after the bus because I had no idea where I was going. The cab driver was a pleasant Aussie who told me lots about the country and took me on a minitour of the area. Such a nice man! I love Aussies!!
Wildlife World was cool. I did get to see a baby koala crawl out of it's mom's pouch and peek out at everyone for a little bit. I also saw a cuckaburra which I had not yet seen and so the song about the cuckaburra and the gum tree was forever engrained in my head for the day.
After the animal visit, I went to Cockle Bay for lunch which was just around the corner. I actually had lunch alone.. which I had never done before, but it was nice to look out into the harbour and people watch. Great food and experience.
Then I headed to an IMAX show. Sydney has one of the world's largest IMAX theatres. It was neat! I saw an under the sea movie narrorated by who else but Jim
But nevertheless the movie was a good one and it was amazing picture.
After the movie, I met my work friend Rebecca at Hyde Park for the Sydney WinterFestival. Which was INCREDIBLE. It was like winter around the world. It had amazing food, run punch (which was served warm and tasted amazing) and movies about the world's winters. I really enjoyed it because Becs and I sampled the food and shared a bit about each of our cultures. Rebecca's family actually celebrates Thanksgiving with her American aunt. I thought that was so cool and invited her to Texas anytime to celebrate the holidays. The ice rink and the fake snow just added to the atmosphere. It was a wondeful night.
Until tomomrow.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Working, Pancakes, Nightlife Day8

Well another wonderful day interning at 33. I really do love my job. I wrote several articles today and really enjoyed doing all the marketing and stuff. And for lunch I had the best sandwich ever as a side note.
So I wrote a story about the Sydney Winter Festival, which happens to be this weekend and now all of my office mates and I are going tommorow. I am so excited it's going to be so neat. I will tell everyone all about it!
So after work my apartment mates (the interns) and I headed out to Circular Quay, which has amazing views of the harbour bridge, opera house and the ferries. Really beautiful place. So we all met up for dinner and Jamie suggested "Pancakes on the Rocks" nope thats the name of the resteraunt not the drink. The Rocks is another suburb which is right next to Circular Quay. Anyways these pancakes were amazing and ihop cannot hold a candle to this place.
After pancakes we headed back home to Bondi Junction (our burb) and got ready for an evening on the town. We went to two really cool night spots- The Luberhein and the Argyle. The first one was a German-esque bar where there were full liters of beer being served. So we go upstairs and there is a dance club and they play Journey... awesome!
And the Argyle was more of a techno club than anything but it had really good music and an incredible set up. There was an outdoor bar with heat lamps and then you went inside and the DJ booth was suspended over the first floor between the two sides of the second. It was awesome and lots of fun. It was western night which cracked me up. So I'm like I am going to go take a picture with someone in their western wear. The one group of guys I pick out has someone from Houston... now I think I could just tell he was
Anways it was an amazing week so far. No whale watching tommorow due to rain but I reschedueld for next no worries!
Tommorow is Saturday and I cannot wait!!! It's going to be a fun day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Interning, Rainy Days and Shopping Day 7

Today was another rainy day. Im starting to think that it is Monsoon season. No lie its like crossing a river walking to work. But you know I'm pretty much in the neatest city so I can't really complain.
Another great day at work as well. I really like my office and the job. I enjoy writing the articles and today we perfected my Illustrator project. It was nice. I also wrote a neat article about Therapy Dogs in Australia. They have a great program over here where over 600 dogs are partnering with their owners to offer therapy. I honestly am learning alot.
Tommorow I hope to write and finish another article.

Speaking of dogs, anyone who knows me knows I want a puppy more than most things. But, I really can't have one right now. So I am going shopping tonight and find the cutest poodle in a pet shop around the corner from my place (dont worry I didn't buy it) and it was 1300 dollars!!!! Oh my wow I was shocked a dog could cost that much. I'll just wait till I get home.

Anyways shopping was a success I got the latest fashion boots and I am so excited about them. They are way cute. Good day! Today is the late night for shopping in Sydney. Normally shops close at five, which is crazy early so tonight it was nine. That was nice!
I really enjoyed my day today!
Well tommorow is Friday and then WHALE WATCHING!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Interning, and the Cold! Day 6

Hello! So today was a good day. Last night was a blast with all my office mates. They are so much fun. I have the best job!
My morning commute is really great. I enjoy riding the train (subway) to work and walking a few minutes. It makes me feel authentic, I know that sounds silly but still its neat to just walk out in the Sydney air.

Today I got to work with Illustrator and redesign alot of graphics for a powerpoint that will be used to sell a management software thing. I really had a great day. I love this job and I am excited to work more on my articles that will be featured on websites that are communities for our client's and their products. Also still tweeting and learning alot. Apparently Cadbury Chocolate is doing a Willy Wonka thing searching for bloggers via golden tickets... neat idea.

Definitely a great day. I did get to go the the store (everything closes at like 5:30 so getting to the store is a real trick) and I bought some scraves and gloves. I cannot believe how chilly it is here. I really didn't think it was going to be that cold but tommorow I am going shopping for cute boots (that are the latest craze here) and some warmer clothing. I wish I would have brought more. Note to anyone planning a US Summer trip, when they say winter they aren't messing around. Seriously it has rained alot but luckily I have been inside during most all of it. Luckily

Also today I booked a whale watching adventure for Saturday so I am having an awesome week.
And there is only more to come.
Until tommorow to talk about my shopping adventures. G'Day!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Interning Day 5

Hello to a great day in Australia.
Today was another awesome day at 33 Interactions.
I did some market research for a pitch the company will be doing. I also am going to get to work on indesign and redesign some graphics and stuff which will be totally amazing. I am also currently working on some new online content and such.

Today we left work at 2pm to go on a leisure yacht, however the weather didn't think that was such a great idea. So we ended up at my bosses flat for some company bonding time.
It was nice to get to know everyone outside the office. Also Adobe was there today... not the software which was there too but Joel's dog. Now this dog doesn't like to be pet. It's the strangest thing but its a cool minpin none the less.

Anyways today was a short day just fun day with my office mates. Hopefully soon I will be able to go on this promised boating outing- I am sure I will!
Tommorow is another great day and I love it here.

See you then!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Amazing first days, new words, bacon- Day 4

So i woke up early this morning. I mean really early as in I saw the sunrise which never happens unless I have stayed out the night before which that never happens either so that was a pretty amazing site to me. Not to mention I am on the 14th floor so it was pretty spectacular.

On to the day. I headed on my normal commute and went to work. I walk into the office and its so neat. Like a modern flat. It was completely open with sleek modern desks and computers and a couch meeting space. It was so nice. I didnt want to take a picture on the first day but I promise to soon. The office is on the 3rd floor without an elevator so it was a climb in heels but it was not too bad.

My new job is amazing. I am going to be a marketing assistant, thats my official title. I will be tweeting for the company and researching interesting articles that fit in with the company philosphy or recreating brand awareness through meaningful product/consumer interactions. I read all of their stuff and it really makes a lot of sense and it will be the future of marketing. It's alot of community building within the social media world. For example a brand creates a website centered around people who use their product and their intersts like a pet vaccine company sponsoring dogworld type thing. Very neat and I am going to be creating stories and online content which is beyond amazing being an intern and actually having an important role is the internship I was searching for and I am beyond happy.

One of the owners brought his dog to work today and its name was Adobe (like the software program- isnt that cute!!) and he was precious but I'm not sure he felt the same about me :)

Overall the day was incredible and I look forward to learning so much and helping this really amazing company. I think this Internship may have been the best decision I have ever made, outside of Joe of course.

Side note from the day I have learned tons of new words in Australian (yes I know that it's English but it's still different)
Hannah's boss called someone's coat a SLOPPY JOE-- that made me laugh so hard!
no worries is a common phrase meaning no problem
jumper is a jacket or coat
dodgey is someone who is sketchy or looks like a bad guy

** More to come promise**

And tonight I will just rest at home. I did go to the supermarket which is an adventure in and of it's self. Eggs are not refrigerated and mayo isnt either. Sandwiches are made with butter which is common in Europe too... it actually tastes good; It was cool to shop for everything and I have found a great new flavor of chips - sweet chili sauce flavor... they are amazing!!

Anways tommorow we are going out on a yacht that the company has as a client. I am so excited so until then G'day!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Paddys Market, Rain, Bruce, Sydney Lights- Day 3

Hello another day in the great country of Australia. I actually feel much better and not tired anymore. I think (hopefully) I have adjusted.

Today we headed to Paddy's Market in Darling Harbour. It was sort of like a flee market type deal where I could buy lots of gifts and other stuff.
On the way to Paddy's- Meryl, Emily and I met an Aussie, Bruce. He was so nice. We were confused on how to get to Paddy's from the train station (subway) and he took us the whole way there. He even gave us a mini tour of China Town and told us where and what to eat and do. He was so nice- I've decided alot of Aussies are incredibly friendly and kind. I love these people. I find that sometimes I act like I am too busy to help someone else and this guy took 20 minutes and went out of his way to help us and answer questions.

It started to rain after Paddy's and a great Chinese/Japenese/Thai lunch... not really sure what I ate to be honest but it tasted good. I didn't like the tea but you know I am kinda picky with ice tea being from Texas and all.

After the market, we walked in the rain and found our internship locations. Mine is a short downhill walk from the station. Yes downhill in the rain was not the greatest but I am looking forward to it. The neighborhood seems great lots of little cafe's and its down the street from Ferrari. So it can't be a bad neighborhood.

Tonight we went to the Vivid Sydney and FireWater. We met an American, Drew on the train who tagged along with us from New Mexico.

Vivid Sydney was a light walk through the city. They had a light display reflecting off of buildings and the most amazing display off the opera house. Absolutely astonishing. I think this was well worth going it was a unique display of laser lights and so nice to walk through the city at night with all the lights around.
Well as we were walking through the city we realized FireWater was about to start so we ran down and hill to get there but well worth it. It was the reenactment of a convict ship, The 3 Bees, sinking in the harbour after a terrible fire. So cool- they raised the ship from underwater and then acted out what had happened and the ship then sank down into the depths after burning.

Tommorow I will head out to my Internship. Wish me luck- I am so excited. No worries- I know where I am going now.

Until next time- G'day!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 2- Some Photos

Photos of: Cockatoo Birds in the Botanical Gardens , the Harbor Bridge, My Intern friends, Koalas, Me and the dingo puppy, more intern friends at the harbour.
Keep an eye out for more pics... I also uploaded to facebook!


The Bridge View

Day 2- Animal Park and Sydney Tour!

What a magical day. We left the city and headed to Featherdale Wildlife Park. This place had every animal indiginous to Australia (over 3000 species of birds, reptiles etc) I saw baby kangaroo's and wombats. I was lucky enough to catch an awake Koala, they sleep for 20 hours a day- sounds kinda nice right now as I am still pretty jet lagged. Anyways my favorite part of the animal refuge was holding a Dingo. Now I thought they were wild you know even if a bull grows up on a farm you can't pet it aparently not the same as the dingo. It was so sweet and even licked my face. Looked like a white sheep dog... very cute and cuddly but still when he went to lick me I was a bit afraid. But no worries (australian word :) it was a sweet gesture on the part of the dingo pup.

After the park we ventured out for lunch at Watson Bay outside of the city about 20 minutes across the bay from the harbour bridge. I ventured down a rocky road that overlooked the ocean, it was so breathtaking to look out to the vast ocean as it hits the rocks. Lunch was good and I had my second Tim Tam- quite possibly the best cookie in the world. I want to take tons home.

Then we headed for a walkabout the city. We visited so many great Sydney sites- St Mary's Church (the largest church in Sydney) , the Bontanical Gardens. the financial district, the Strand Shopping Mall ( which isn't actually a mall its more like a shopping strip in the states) and of course the Opera house, Harbour Bridge (and yes that's hows its spelled -harbour) and Darling Harbor. The tour had alot of intersting facts and I learned that prostitution is legal but that has reduced the crime rate, chili sauce is not chili at all but a sweet sauce almost like polynesian sauce, and Sydney is clean and a friendly place. I liked Hyde Park which is alot like Central Park in NYC. It was nice to get a feel for the city everything seems within reach of what I would like to do- which is everything :)

We met the neatest Aussie couple on the fairie from Darling Harbour who told us to visit Byron Bay so I'm going to keep a lookout for cheap tickets there. They also gave us McDonald's french fries, a taste of home they called it which I thought was pretty funny as McD's is not what I would call home food- maybe some barbeque or steaks.
Dinner was a neat treat and I got my first and probably only taste of Kangaroo- which is served rare and was kinda too rare for my taste. But it was a good lean meat and tasted alot like deer.

Overall my thoughts on the city is it has an incredible feel about it. People are everywhere but it's not like NYC with its hurried pace and self intersted people. Sydney has a true charm to it, people smile at you as you walk the streets. No one seems to be in a really big hurry instead they take the time to play rugby in the park, sit on the bench and enjoy the sunset and just people watch. It is such a clean and wonderful place... not sure I'm going to leave after 6 weeks.

Tommorow is Sunday and I will take some rest and go to the market. Then Monday its off to the races.

Until then--- G'Day!

1 Arrival and Orientation

Well I made it. Landed in Sydney around 8:30am here about an hour late. So I start wandering around the airport and got lost but finally found Matt, my guide for the next few days. Then our group of 7 interns headed out to Bondi (Bon-dye) Junction to checkin in at our apartments. I must have done something right because these apartments (Tiffany Meriton at Bondi Junction) are increbile. We are on the 14th floor with a great view of the harbor and tons of space. It's like living in a condo and there is a maid service as well.
I went to an orientation with Tafe to get intern details and then had dinner at a little Japenese resteraunt on Oxford. That place had a great atmosphere.
I really love Sydney so far it has such a relaxed and happy feeling for a city. Tommorow the animal park and Sydney tour.
Until then G'day mate!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Internship

So I leave Tuesday and I can't believe it is finally here.

Wow this month has flown by. I am incredibly excited to be working for 33 Interactions a social media networking company. They do some really neat things. I will be in Sydney for the majority of my stay unless I venture out somewhere into the bush...

Well until I land in Australia, I can only anticipate what will be happening.
Keep an eye out for my pictures and post.
To all my friends, family and Joe I love you all and will miss you bunches.