Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Working Working Day 40

"You never really leave a place or person you love, part of them you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind.”

Today was by far the craziest and busiest day I have had at work. I must say I did heaps of things. I have two more articles to write before I leave and a web banner to create for APL. I also had some work to do with finding contact information for prospective clients we can send our new email campaign to.
Tommorow is Christmas in July which is an Aussie tradition. Since Aussies dont get the typical Christmas because it is so hot here in December some choose to celebrate another Christmas when it is cold enough to eat the traditional Christmas food. So we are having an office celebration tommorow for my going away and Christmas in July.
I really have made some great friends here at 33. Everyone is amazing and I am going to miss it so much. Joel said maybe they can hire me to work in Who knows.
Tonight I ran to the stores because everything closes so early. I am glad that I got everything to make pie and broccoli and cheese casserole. So tommorow we are partying at the office and then out on the town for my farewell.
I am sad to see it go.
Until tommorow G'day!

Poker and the Gaff Days 38 and 39

I am so sad that this is my last week in Australia. This place has been very good to me and I have enjoyed each and every minute of my experience here.

I completed tons of projects today interning. I love my job and I am so greatful for everything I have experienced and learned.

Tonight is monday which means poker at Cheers!! I actually made it to the final table in poker and came in 5th place out of 50 people. That is a huge accomplishment for me, so it was pretty exciting. Too bad I won bar cash and couldnt spend it.. well its a souvenier I suppose.
Another wonderful day at 33 Interactions. I wrote heaps of articles and did some work calling prospective clients to offer our marketing services. Writing these articles have given me tons of knowledge and such a great experience.
Tonight is the night when things go on sale in Australia. So, Becs, Jess and I went to Kings Cross Hotel for 4 dollar burgers and beer. It was so good. The burgers here are made with onions baked into the patties so they tasted like meatloaf...Sooo good.
The Gaff is a crazy bar in Sydney that some of us went to tonight. Its like Coyote Ugly but not nearly as But we still had some fun dancing the night away. Especially since we got in free!
Well until Tommorow. Hope everyone back home is doing well and I will be home soon.
Until tomm. G'day G'day!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My Last Weekend- Days 36-37


Today I was supposed to go hang gliding. Unfortunately the winds changed direction and it was unsafe to fly. So I was pretty bummed. But I did head out and go to the Tarango Zoo and touch some Koalas and we saw the new baby elephant. So cute.

We met the nicest Aussie couple and their kids in the que (Aussie for line) to get on the skyrail and the girl tried to do an American accent. It was really precious

Tonight was the State of Origin Rugby game where the New Zealand All Blacks played the Qantas Wallabees. The NZ team does this really amazing war dance before they play and so we watched that and then headed to Cheers bar to watch the game. Pretty awesome game with lots of hits and 80 minutes of intensity. Sorry to OZ but the NZ Blacks were victorious...


I cannot believe it is my last Sunday here. I am so sad to be going. I cannot begin to express it. I have loved living in this city and taking in the Aussie culture. People here are so very nice and kind.

Becs and I headed out to the Rocks Aroma festival. First we walked along George street and admired the architecture and all things beautiful about Sydney. It was such a nice day!

The festival was full of booths offering coffees, tea and all sorts of foods. Everything smelled and tasted wonderful. I ate a lamb kebab and there was a Mona Lisa picture made out of coffee in cups. Crazy!! We had a great time walking around the area known as the Rocks in Sydney. Its right by the Opera House and the harbour. So it was a fun festival with music and stuff set to an amazing background.

Today was really sunny and nice day as well.

Tonight I met my friends Johan and Rosie from whale watching for dinner and drinks. We had some real Aussie food- Crockodile Pizza and beer. All of us hung out for a long while just having pleasant culture conversation and enjoying each other's company. We then walked to Circular Quay and had the best sticky date pudding (pudding here is like a cake so more like sticky date cake) it was amazing!

I enjoyed my night with Johan and Rosie, I will meet them one more time before I leave.
Tommorow back to 33 to start my final week. What an amazing ride.
Until then G'day!!

All in all it was a great relaxing and fun weekend! Sad it was my last but I still have one week of Aussie fun ahead of me!

Until then, G'day!

Days 34-35 Thurs/Friday Fun

Thursday is a day of working. I worked pretty hard today working on some articles and calling businesses to pitch our services.
Tonight was poker night. Joel told me he got beaten out by Bengamin Button...LOL That was pretty hilarious. It was nice b/c everyone from work went out to dinner tonight and had a great time.

I interned all day! And finally found a great story for A Pampered life...which I had been working on all week. It was great
Tonight Jess, Rebecca and Moniek and I headed to the store for a dinner party. We picked up a few things and then I cooked some real American style food for everyone. Pretty awesome if I do say so myself.. Hard to convert
We all had a blast together to hang out and chill!

Until Tomm~ G'day

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Land Down Under Days 31-33

Hello to Monday.
Today was a great day at work. I started a new project for the office and spent my day catagorizing lists and writing blogs. Love this job! Seriously the best interning experience. I love feeling like a part of the team and a valuable member.
Tonight was a night for Poker at Cheers bar! ( And yes most everybody knows your It was a cute little bar and looked nothing like the movie but still fun. I actually did relatively well in poker and even beat out my boss, which never happens when we go to poker. I guess lady luck must have been a little bit on my side.
Poker was fun!
Aussie lingo
Rug up- bundle up to keep warm
Spelling is different here as well- colour, favourite, harbour, programme, etc.

Tuesday was another great Internship day. I spent alot of my day researching for articles. I get to write and comment on things for Dog lovers, Cat lovers and write posts about things that would be interesting to Aussie women- like fashion, culture, books etc. I also began some work in cultivating new clients for 33. I am calling companies asking if they would like our services and setting up meetings for my directors. Pretty awesome stuff.
Tuesdays are Trivia night in Bondi Beach so we headed out for a night of Aussie trivia. Aussie trivia is an American epic failure... but we came in 2nd to last which was pretty cool. The questions were pretty unfair to nonAussies but still very fun to play.
I also got a free ride on the bus, long story.
Anways Tuesday was a great day! G'day!

Interning went great today. I spent my morning writing an article about designers making clothing lines for dogs. What is the world coming to honestly but I guess if you can afford it why not? LOL.. I also wanted to thank Tasha for her kind words about my blog! It makes me feel good to know someone cares about what I am up to.

Harry Potter mania overtook the Sydney streets tonight! I loved the was epic. And I got to watch it in IMAX 3d on the Darling Harbour. It was pretty much amazing and the cinematography is unparralled. I would give it 4.5 stars as it should have been more in 3D since I paid a little bit more for it but oh well.
New Harry Potter word:
Snogging- making out--cracked me up!!!

These past few days have been great. I feel like a real Aussie running about the city. I have really enjoyed this experience and I love the Aussies that I work with and the ones I have had the priviledge to call friends. I must go to bed now as it is getting pretty late and tommorow is another exciting day!
Until then, G'day!

Easy Like Sunday Morning Day 31

Sunday was a tranquil day of rest after my all day adventure in the Blue Mountains yesterday.
I did venture into Bondi Junction to go grocery shopping, visit the pet store and get a new haircut.
This evening I walked around Darling Harbour and took some great night shots of that area.
I feel like I have acclamated well to Sydney life and I cant believe how fast time is moving.

Well tommorow is a work day for me. So until then G'day!

The Majestic Blue Mountains Day 30

Today I set off early and headed out for the Aussie famous Blue Mountains about an hour north of Sydney.

We drove down in a small van from Paramatta Road in Sydney and made a not so steep climb into the mountains. Our first stop was visiting a few Kangaroos that seems to be tolerable of people. They were the smaller to middle sized Kangaroos and one even had a joey in its pouch. It was so fun to watch them hop about in the wild.
Our coach then loaded back up for a trip to the Wallara Falls. We hiked in this area for 2 hours and saw the fog roll across the gorgeous Blue Mountains, which are knows to be actually plateaus. We also visited the waterfall and scenic lookouts (see pic above)

Next our adventure took us to the Aussie famous 3 Sisters Rock Formation. The 3 Sisters formation comes from an old aboriginal tale of a shaman turning 3 aboriginal maidens into stone because they were so beautiful.
Well the area itself was named the Blue Mountains national park and it was incredible. We hiked down the 900+ steps to the bottom of the gorge. It was true bush and jungle walkabout. I absolutely loved hiking in this tranquil rainforest setting.

Our final stop was the Blue Mountains lookout where we had a great view of the Hunter Valley as well.
The day trip in and of itself was absolutely amazing. I really loved walking around this famed area. I felt like a regular mountaineer.

What an amazing day! Aussie adventures are the best. Tommorow is a day of rest!! Until then G'day!